Thursday, December 10, 2015

Installing Kali on usb ( Live USB ) and booting into it

You Need : - 
official Kali Linux image (Google it)
Unetbootin or any other imaging software
USB drive with 4 gb free space
A computer
Let's do it : - 
-> Plug in your USB drive (prefer it on rear port as they are faster)
-> Start Unetbootin/other and select your USB drive from the list given there. ( Be careful in this step as selecting the wrong device can damage your hard disk )
-> In the image file selection section,  click on browse ( the icon or button ) select your image file downloaded.
-> Click on start or create button to startup and wait for completion.

Live USB has been created.

Booting : - 
-> Start your computer
-> Continuously press keys Esc, del, num lock, F1. The key might be different according to your manufacturer. Most probably any one among the above keys would work down for you.
-> This will open up your computer with BIOS settings. Just press enter on "quit without saving" option to bypass it and go to boot selection device picker screen.
-> Select your device from the list and press enter.
-> Now comes the screen with kali interface. Select the "live" option ( the first one ) and press enter.

You must see the Kali desktop now which means that you have successfully fired up Kali Linux. It's amazing guys.